Letter from the Editor in ChiefDiversity and inclusionBY FELICIA EMPEY | f.empey@gmail.com Welcome to the Fall issue of the Communicator. Our theme is “Diversity and inclusion.”Read more |
WorkplaceDiverse but not inclusive: An honest look at Canadian workplacesBY ROHINI MUKHERJI | @RohiniMJ Rohini Mukherji shares the differences between diversity and inclusion and how communicators can move closer to true, beyond-the-brochure inclusion.Read more |
AudienceFour tips to take audience diversity into account in your communicationsBY MATTHEW COLLIS | matthewdcollis@gmail.com Matthew Collis goes over ways to take your audience diversity into account, from improving the language to expanding the makeup of your team.Read more |
EducationBetter inclusion: The trans and non-binary side of the LGBTQ2+ equationBY KEN EVANS | kevans@apexpr.com Ken Evans outlines the benefits for a brand of taking action to be diverse and how to seek out information on topics that may be unfamiliar.Read more |
ContentAccessibility in the digital ageBY MATISSE HAMEL-NELIS | matisse.hamel-nelis@cnib.ca Matisse Hamel-Nelis gives practical and needed advice on how to make social media posts more accessible on a variety of platforms.Read more |
From the webMore in-depth content related to this issue’s theme Canada’s Best Diversity Employers Diverse and inclusive corporate cultures make for better business decisions |