On January 19, IABC/Toronto hosted a webinar in partnership with the University of Waterloo to help business communicators understand, attract, hire and engage the next generation of talent.
Michael Blackburn, Executive Vice President, IABC/Toronto introduced the session and featured guest speaker, Emily Burgess, Business Developer and Talent Specialist, University of Waterloo’s Co-Op Program.
Emily described how the future of the workforce is changing, and recruitment strategies with it. She highlighted the values of Generation Z and what motivates them when considering new job opportunities.
The interactive presentation detailed strategies employers can use to appeal to this generation from writing effective job descriptions to giving them opportunities to innovate and do meaningful work. It also outlined how the University of Waterloo’s Co-Op program provides value to employers throughout the recruitment process by helping them find the right candidates for their needs, and shared the various funding avenues available to cover student wages.
Key takeaways from the webinar:
- There is a gap in knowledge between what Gen Z values and what employers think they value.
- According to a study by the Work-Learn Institute (2019), nearly 50% of students say they are unlikely to accept a job that does not match their values.
- Job descriptions that detail company culture, employers’ values, career development opportunities and compensation receive significantly more applications.
- Gen Z is interested in employers who offer opportunities to make an impact and solve complex problems.
- Employers can engage young talent by creating opportunities for meaningful work and connecting with others.
- Next gen talent from University of Waterloo Arts students have transferable skills that can support organizations in marketing, digital, communications and design.
- Some of the top benefits of hiring co-op students include gaining access to a pool of highly qualified individuals, reducing recruitment and training costs, filling temporary or short-term staffing needs and developing the future capabilities of your organization.
- There are several funding opportunities available that can cover up to 75% of student wages.