IABC/Toronto is the largest professional association of GTA-based communications, public relations and marketing professionals. It is also the largest IABC chapter in the world. IABC/Toronto offers numerous opportunities to reach this audience through advertising and sponsorship.
Members practise in a wide range of communication disciplines including large national and multinational corporations, all levels of government, charitable and non-profit associations, small- and medium-sized businesses as well as sole proprietorships.
This strong network and profile offers your business the opportunity to reach a targeted audience of influential communications professionals and decision makers in a variety of areas.
- 57% Public relations and media relations
- 55% Marketing and communications
- 46% Design/graphic design firms
- 45% Event planning/hospitality
- 44% Printing
- 43% Photography
- 39% Web design and hosting firms
- 36% Social media agencies/consultants
- 30% Advertising and media buying
- 29% Audio visual services
- e-Lert advertisement (biweekly email to member and non-member subscribers)
- Website banner advertisement
- Communicator advertisement (member electronic newsletter)
- CareerLine (accepting intern, freelance, junior, intermediate, senior and RFP positions)
- Sponsorship (event and awards program opportunities that can be combined with advertising options)
e-Lert Advertising
IABC/Toronto sends an email newsletter every two weeks to 4,100+ member and non-member subscribers. The e-Lert is a service used to inform members and the public of IABC/Toronto news items, events and special information. You can view sample e-Lerts sent by clicking here.
- Sent on Tuesday mornings
- Submission deadline is the preceding Thursday at noon
- Must not conflict with IABC/Toronto offerings
- If an event or service is being promoted, write-up must offer a minimum 10% discount to IABC/Toronto members
- Hyperlinks can be included in e-Lert promotion to encourage traffic to advertiser site
- 10% member discount for booking three or more e-Lerts at one time
- e-Lert advertisements are tweeted to IABC/Toronto’s 10K+ followers
- Advertisements are listed after main IABC/Toronto content
- $195 plus HST:
- 5 to 7 word headline (included in table of contents towards the top of email)
- up to 150 word write-up.
- $495 plus HST:
- 5 to 7 word headline (included in table of contents towards the top of email)
- up to 500 word write-up
- advertisement logo/graphic included
- advertisement also posted under “news” on IABC/Toronto website
Website Banner Advertising
Displayed on all IABC/Toronto web pages, the online banner rotates every time a web page is visited. Every month, IABC/Toronto’s website receives 6,000 to 9,000 visits and 22,000 to 35,000 web page views. Exposure will depend on the number of banner ads currently being displayed.
- Size (in pixels): 300 w x 400 h
- Format:
- .jpg
- .jpeg
- .png
- .gif (must be a .gif to be animated, we accept looping .gif advertisements)
- .ico
- Resolution: 150 dpi
- up to 15 frames/second
- up to 6MB file size
- URL for ad
- 10% discount for booking four or more consecutive months
- $120 plus HST per month
View our full Advertising package here.
To submit an ad please contact toronto-info@iabc.to.
A number of opportunities are available to reach a targeted and influential audience of GTA communicators and meet your business objectives. We encourage you to review IABC/Toronto’s events, programs and awards on the website.
We welcome in-kind support, which can include free or preferential pricing of goods and services in return for sponsorship recognition.
For more information
Please view our full Sponsorship package here.
To Reserve
For more information on current sponsorship and advertising opportunities or to discuss a custom-designed options, please contact IABC/Toronto’s office at 416-968-0264 or by email.