IABC/Toronto’s Virtual AGM

Tuesday, June 30, 2020, 5 to 6:30 p.m. EDT, Zoom Join us for IABC/Toronto’s Annual General Meeting on June 30 IABC/Toronto members only Join the IABC/Toronto Board of Directors and this year’s Communicator of the Year, Jodi Kovitz, for an evening of lively discussion and a look at our challenges and wins from the 2019-2020 […]

Keep calm & respond: lessons on COVID-19 from senior communicators

Lessons from top leaders on managing crisis communications during COVID-19. A virtual breakfast event on Tuesday, September 15, 2020, from 9 to 10:30 a.m. EDT. Zoom webinar hosted by IABC/Toronto President, Russell Baker FREE to IABC Members $15: Non-member rate ($16.95 with HST) The COVID-19 pandemic has sparked a renewed interest in how to manage […]

PIC’s September social: A mindful meet-up for mind-boggling times

Thursday, September 17, 6 to 7 p.m., Zoom. These past five months have been challenging, to put it mildly. But staying in touch helps nourish our connection and keep us all sane. PIC welcomes you to the next online social that is one part meet up and one-part mindfulness retreat. You’ll learn strategies to slow […]

Open Forum: Help IABC/Toronto become more inclusive – September 29

Protests for racial justice have been making headlines and those that are participating are making history. Action for a more equitable world is not just taking place south of the border but in Canadian cities as well. Many of you will remember the words of @RavynWngz (Tanzanian, Bermudian, Queer, 2 Spirit, Transcendent, Mohawk) who recently spoke as part […]

Open Forum: Help IABC/Toronto become more inclusive – October 14

Protests for racial justice have been making headlines and those that are participating are making history. Action for a more equitable world is not just taking place south of the border but in Canadian cities as well. Many of you will remember the words of @RavynWngz (Tanzanian, Bermudian, Queer, 2 Spirit, Transcendent, Mohawk) who recently spoke as part […]

PIC Presents: Creative and Inventive Ways to Market During a Pandemic

Learn how to effectively adjust your marketing strategy to meet the changing priorities and behaviours of customers and clients during these unprecedented times. Thursday, October 15, 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. EST The restrictions in place to help curb the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic have contributed to significant behavioural and lifestyle changes throughout our country […]

CMP and SCMP Certification Information Session

Tuesday, October 27, 5:30 to 6:30 p.m., Zoom Accelerate your career next year with a Communication Management Professional (CMP) or Senior Communication Management Professional (SCMP) certification. Learn about the benefits of GCCC accreditation from award-winning communicators Maliha Aqeel, SCMP, PMP and Priya Bates, ABC, MC, SCMP, IABC Fellow and find out how they effectively prepared […]

IABC/Toronto: Hallowe’en Spook-tacular

IABC Toronto invites all the wicked witches and wizards to turn into their spooky-selves and join us for a frolic evening. Slip into your Hallowe’en outfits, participate in exciting games, engage in some fascinating horror trivia and get a chance to share your own spooky experiences with us. Fees: Free: IABC Member rate $15: Non-member […]

Planning for 2021: Influencer Marketing Trends

Tuesday, November 10, 12 to 1 p.m. EST Recent developments brought on by COVID-19 and the Black Lives Matter movement have forever changed the face of influencer marketing. What trends will we see in 2021 and how can you leverage these in your communications strategies? Join our upcoming webinar to learn about the top trends […]

PIC Roundtable Discussion: How are shifting markets, social change and the COVID-19 pandemic affecting independent communicators?

Wednesday, November 18, 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Members of IABC/Toronto’s Professional Independent Communicators, you’re invited to our first roundtable discussion. We’ll talk about how current major issues – including the pandemic, social change and shifting markets – are affecting our businesses and work/life priorities, and what we can do about it. Fees: Free: IABC member […]